The website means a computer program (software) created and owned by the Supplier, respectively the computer program designed to be run on a computer equipment such as smartphone and / or tablet and / or computer and through which the Customer will be able to make a reservation at both the restaurant and the hotel.
"Supplier" means Enjoy Barrio Social SRL.
“User” means any natural person over the age of 18 or a legal person who uses the site and has agreed to the specific clauses in the Terms and Conditions section.
"Buyer" - can be any natural person over the age of 16 or legal person or any legal entity that makes a reservation.
“Computer Equipment” means a mobile computer equipment of the smartphone and / or tablet and / or computer type (on which an iOS, Android or Windows operating system is installed) and which can run the website accordingly.
“Product” means a food product that is sold by the Supplier within the site and that can be delivered to the Buyer at an address determined and communicated by the latter.
“Contract” - represents the distance contract concluded between the Supplier and the Buyer, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Supplier and the Buyer.
1. The website, including any component page thereof, may be used only for the purpose and in accordance with the conditions of access and use specified here, which must be read carefully before use.
2. Prevederile menționate în continuare, respectiv condițiile de utilizare a site-ului de către orice persoană, constituie contractul (denumit în continuare „Contractul”) dintre Furnizor și orice persoană care utilizează site-ul (denumita în continuare “Utilizator” și/sau „Cumpărător”).
3. The use of, respectively the operation of the orders for the use of the site presupposes the legal capacity necessary to bind some contractual relations, so that the use of (including the action of any orders for contracting offers) constitutes a declaration regarding the fulfillment of the following conditions ( i) reaching the age of 18; (ii) the absence of circumstances affecting legal capacity; and (iii) full acceptance of the provisions of this Agreement. If any of these conditions are not met, you must immediately stop using
4. The use by any person of any functionalities from the website creates, automatically and without any other formality, the quality of User within the meaning of this Contract. If you do not agree or do not accept, without limitations or qualifications, the conditions of use of please stop using it. Visiting, using, or ordering the displayed products implies acceptance of the terms of use below, regardless of the ordering method used.
5. In order to ensure compliance with the conditions of access and use of, the User / Buyer undertakes to verify at the time of each access the latest version of the conditions of use of the website. The use of after accessing, even in the case of the User's omission to analyze the conditions of use, represents the explicit agreement of the User to accept the respective conditions.
6. Any other prior agreements are replaced by the provisions of these terms of use.
7. Through the Supplier offers Users / Buyers a technical interface through which they can make a reservation for a restaurant or hotel that will be displayed in the interface of the site.
8. Utilizatorul/Cumpărătorul va folosi pentru accesarea și utilizarea propriile sale echipamente, sisteme și programe (Smartphone, Tableta, PC, conexiune internet, browser etc.). Deși Furnizorul a depus eforturi pentru asigurarea accesibilității și utilizării interfeței tehnice incluse, pentru accesarea/furnizarea prin internet („online”) a informațiilor aferente, Furnizorul nu răspunde pentru compatibilitatea echipamentelor, sistemelor sau programelor folosite de Utilizator cu interfața tehnică inclusă în website.
9. The user may not copy, publish, download, transmit, sell, use in his own or third party applications or projects, or mediate or alienate in any way the materials (texts, images, video or audio sequences, etc.) published on the website , without the prior written consent of the Supplier, unless the website explicitly provides otherwise.
10. In using the website and / or contracting offers you agree not to: (i) use the website to send junk e-mail, spam, chain messages, pyramid schemes or any other messages unsolicited, commercial or otherwise; (ii) display, transmit, publish, distribute or disseminate material or information that is defamatory, illegal, obscene, indecent, threatening, abusive, harassing or illegal; (iii) display, transmit, publish, distribute or disseminate material or information that could incite discrimination, hatred or violence against any person or group, on grounds of race, religion, disability, nationality or otherwise illegal; (iv) threaten, abuse, disturb or otherwise violate the legal rights (including privacy rights) of others; (v) use any information or materials in any way that infringes any person's copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary right; (vi) upload files that contain a virus, worms, Trojans, or corrupt data that may affect the operation of a computer or another's property; (vii) collect or store personal information about others, including e-mail addresses; (viii) advertise or offer the purchase or sale of goods or services for any commercial purpose, unless the means of communication provided by the Site specifically allows such communications and only for the category of services and / or goods explicitly provided for; (ix) present yourself as having a different identity for the purpose of misleading or misleading others; (x) violate applicable laws or regulations; (xi) access / use the Site / offers in any way that could disable, overburden or affect the Site / contract or conduct the offers or that would lead to interference with another party that uses and benefits from the Site / offers; (xii) display, transmit, publish, distribute or disseminate materials or information that you are not entitled to transmit under the law or a contract or a contractual or fiduciary (mandate) relationship, such as inside information or confidential information disclosed during employment relationships or the execution of a confidentiality agreement; (xiii) alter the evaluation results or the evaluation system of the bidders / Users by self-evaluation or other procedures with similar effect, such as the positive evaluation of a bidder with whom you have kinship, affiliation or other relationships that involve an interested decision; (xiv) attempt to gain unauthorized access to any of the offers, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Site / offers by hacking, password cracking or by any other means.
11. Any violation of these limitations may lead to the blocking of the User / Buyer's access to and / or to the suspension of the user account, as well as, as the case may be, to the notification of the law enforcement bodies for the application of contraventional or criminal sanctions. The same provisions apply to the attempt.
12. If the technical interface through which Products are ordered prompts you to register or create an account, you will be asked to complete the registration process by providing information and registering a username and / or other information. for the use of the technical interface and the purchase of products. The user is responsible for the reality of the information provided at registration, as well as for maintaining the confidentiality of the data and information transmitted to him for the actual purchase of the products.
13. In no event will the Supplier, respectively be liable for any direct or indirect losses and for any damages resulting from your disclosure of the data and information provided for the actual purchase of products.
14. The registration of the User / Buyer in order to order products may be postponed or refused when the required information is not provided, as well as when the User has a situation that generates a conflict of interest incompatible with the Supplier's offer, security or with the activity of the Supplier and / or any entity associated with it.
15. These terms of use are protected by copyright laws and may not be used by other persons or entities of any kind, by modification or copying, without the prior written consent of the author.
16. The provider retains all intellectual property rights regarding the content published / provided through (texts, images, video or audio sequences, etc.).
17. The permitted purpose for the use of is to obtain information and access to the services offered by the Supplier. It is not permitted: • to copy, multiply, distribute, archive or store, by any means, including electronic, magnetic or computerized, the materials and information existing on this website; • attempting to intervene, by any means, in the content of this site, deleting or modifying by any means the published materials and information, or attempting to act for this purpose, • attempting to scan, probe or test the vulnerability of any system in the Provider's network or access to any servers or services in its network and which are not public, without the express written authorization of the provider; • attempting to intervene in the operation of the hosting servers or in SC Romanian Franchise Systems SRL by any means, including attacking them by "flooding" or "DOS" • using any e-mail addresses published through the website for their distribution on mailing lists, for sending commercial e-mails ("spamming") or for any purpose other than sending justified personal e-mails, without the written consent of the owners of these addresses; • creating links to this online system of other sites or vice versa, without prior written consent. In situations where this happens without the written consent of the provider, it does not assume responsibility for unaffiliated websites.
18. Reproduction, copying, multiplication, sale, resale or exploitation, use of the services or information provided by the provider through the site, in a manner that violates Romanian or international law on copyright and intellectual property, involves civil or criminal liability for such actions.
19. The provider reserves the right to prevent by any means and seek sanctions under applicable law for persons involved in the destruction or alteration of the website, its content, its security or the attempt to attack or discredit the provider or its partners, their products, services and employees. Any possible dispute in connection with this website is within the jurisdiction of the common law courts in Romania.
20. If any of the clauses of this Agreement are declared by a competent court to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, that clause (any term / condition) will be removed and the remaining clauses (terms and conditions) will remain in force. force, continuing to produce effects, being binding and enforceable. In case of such nullity, the annulled clauses, terms and / or conditions will be replaced with appropriate others within 5 (five) working days from the date on which the court decision declaring the nullity has legal effect.
21. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Romania, and any disputes or disputes between the parties in connection therewith shall be settled by the competent courts of Bucharest, Romania.